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Letter to South Korea !
작성자 학** 작성일 2009-04-29 조회수 840
 다음 글은 최근 미국 버지니아 공대에서 발생한 총기사건(33명 사망)에 대한 우리의 걱정과 우려에 대하여 the Philadelphia Inquirer에 사설로 게재된 기사입니다. 유명을 달리한 희생자들의 명복을 기원하고, 그 유가족분들께 심심한 위로의 뜻을 전하는 의미에서, 참고삼아 올려 봅니다.        
        4월 23일 학과장

Posted on Fri, Apr. 20, 2007

Letter to South Korea

A lesson in your apology

Dear South Korea:

Please stop apologizing. It is not your fault.

Don't get us wrong. It is touching and impressive how you, as a nation, seem crestfallen over the trail of death left on an American college campus by an immigrant from your land. You have held candlelight vigils at our embassy and your president has expressed shock - three times, so far.

But, really, the suspect came to America as a child. He was raised here. Maybe we should be apologizing to you for not taking better care of him. Or maybe the ugly twists that the human spirit can take are just unfathomable.

We are dismayed that you worry about a misdirected backlash against your citizens who have emigrated here. Most of us would like to think America is better than that. But we also recall that, after 9/11, some ignorant people attacked Sikh Americans in the preposterous belief that their turbans marked them as members of al-Qaeda.

Obviously we need to work on our behavior and international image. So we accept your apologies, unnecessary as they are - as lessons in grace and humanity. The best thing we could do in response is to learn from what your conduct teaches.

Sometimes, we Americans have a hard time owning up to the stupid and shameful things we really have done collectively: holding slaves, profiling minorities on highways, outsourcing torture. Sometimes, as with the Japanese Americans interned during World War II, we get around to saying we're sorry. More often, we don't.

Our political and corporate leaders also tend to make a sorry mess of saying sorry. Frankly, a lot of their regrets are insincere exercises in PR, intended not to heal a bad situation but to get bad news off the talk shows as quickly as possible. Rarely does anyone here resign in shame, unlike in other cultures, including yours.

We're young, still learning.

So, thank you for the fine example you set.



crest·fall·en: 풀이 죽은, 맥빠진, 기운 없는(dejected)

un·fath·om·a·ble: 1 없는, 깊이헤아릴 없는     2 오한, 불가해한(inexplicable) 

: 1 앞뒤뒤바뀐     2 터무니없는(absurd), 도리맞지 않는
own up to=confess
a n. 프로파일링 《(1) 인종적·집단표적대상으로 경찰범죄자 검거위해 불심 검문·수색하는 행위